2009年6月11日 星期四

kernel debug

type 14 = page fault
error code: 0: read from a non-present page
2: write to a non-present page

EIP: address of instruction at panic

create symbol file:
/Volumes/KernelDebugKit/createsymbolfiles -s /tmp PanicDriver/build/Debug/PanicDriver.kext

assume 0x223ab275 is EIP address
gdb /Volumes/KernelDebugKit/mach_kernel
--> set kext-symbol-file-path /tmp
--> add-kext ~/test.kext
--> set print asm-demangle on
--> x/i 0x223ab275
find the function mapped to this address
--> disass 0x223ab275
show this function's content
--> info line * 0x223ab275
show the line number of EIP in the function

2009年6月5日 星期五


edit /etc/fstab

set the disk not automount
UUID=5BFDB0C1-B240-3429-B9B0-20022AFBAA3C /test hfs rw,noauto

2009年6月3日 星期三

transfer visual project to xcode

1. new project -> Standard Tool

2. get visual project from cvs ( not get from visual stdio)

3. copy the files in visual project into this xcode project directory

4. set SCM Repository