change Java template in Xcode
edit /Developer/Library/Xcode/Project Templates/Java/Java Applicationex/build.xml
source="1.5" target="1.5"
(1)check out project "Test" from cvs
(2)create the Java project named "Test"
(3)now xcode create build.xml to compile your Java project
include external jars
place jars in Test/lib/
set main function:
in Info.plist, set value = packageName.className for key = MainClass
in Manifest, set Main-Class: packageName.MainClass
set image files:
place them in Test/bin
set VMOptions
in info.plist, set "-Xmx512m" for key "VMOptions"
set class path for app:
In Info.plist, set the value of ClassPath
not including other jars when creating jar
comment zipgroupfileset refid="lib.jars"
when the resource is the same location as execution file, how to set resource:
1. if execution file is jar(in jars/) , put resource in jars/ and use "java -jar" to run program
2. if execution file is App(in dist/), put resource in dist/ and run from xcode
3. place them in the bin/packageName/